Monday, April 19, 2010

The Big Bang Theory

Bangs are everywhere right now and they look so chic.  I keep telling myself I could try bangs again but then I remember the horror of maintaing the precise length and I do not want thin, wispy, curly, messy ones either.  Also factor in my round face and well, uhm......let's just say it would be a BOLD move on my part. 

My hair stylist has the greatest bangs...I want them.  She hinted to me that I may not like them.  I told her oh I know but I am a risk-taker.  Besides, it's just hair and it will grow back.  I ended up deciding to wait until I could look around and read more up on how they would go with my facial shape etc.

Here are a few styles below that I really like: 

Heidi has quite alot of bangs going on here!

I think the bangs make Catherine look more well as Reese below:

I really think I am leaning more towards Jennifer Lopez's side swept bangs.  It's similar to my hair now and it's still bangs without the steep commitment just yet.  If I love it, I will take it a step further!

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